Florian Alexandru-Zorn entra nel roster Paiste!
Redazione 22 dic 2017
Florian Alexandru-Zorn, autore di “The Complete Guide to Playing Brushes”, “The Brush Secret” e “The Brush Revolution”, è un rispettato didatta, nonché clinician impegnato in Europa, Cina e Stati Uniti. Protagonista di eventi di prestigio, tra cui PASIC e Montreal Drumfestival, è anche parte della
Popakademie Baden-Württemberg.
Oggi Florian entra nel roster Paiste e, per enfatizzare al massimo il suo sound, ha scelto i piatti della Masters Series, abbinati ad alcuni piatti delle serie Signature Traditionals e PSTX .
www.paiste.com “I'm really happy to announce my new cymbal endorsement. I'm now officially playing Paiste Cymbals! I've checked every major brand on the market and was truly surprised by the unique sound of Paiste. I've always thought they were mostly suitable for Rock and Pop Music but with their Masters series they offer a unbelievable sound for Jazz, Singer Songwriter and World Music. I am very happy to be a member of the Paiste family!"
Florian Alexandru-Zorn